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Wealth-Health Executive Network (WHEN)

The Wealth-Health Executive Network will help you “connect dots” across health, care, and financial products and services – to grow your business and to protect your clients’ financial health.

WHEN is a unique network that facilitates direct connections among peers, leaders and industry influencers across finance, policy, and medicine.

Membership includes:

  • Topical discussions and presentations to keep you current on evolving issues that cut across medicine, care, insurance, investments, and banking

  • Insights to help clients understand the financial implications and consequences of those evolving issues

  • Best Practices in different organizations to help you determine the most appropriate tactics and strategies for your situation

  • Thought Leadership to help you keep your organization and clients informed about key issues

  • Member access to diagnostic tools to determine your readiness to effectively pursue added opportunities in Wealth-Health Integration

  • Consultation to help you assimilate information and develop tactics and strategies appropriate to your situation

  • Access to a range of front-line support tools to assist clients, strengthen relationships, and build your business.

*Formed in 2017 as the Senior Healthcare Executive Forum (SHEF), our new name, the Wealth-Health Executive Network (WHEN), reflects the evolving interests and needs of our members as the Integration of Wealth and Health is changing financial services. 

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